11 August 2008

the 11 bucks self-humiliation machine

yes, i'm kinda 'old for this... yes, i'm a photographer and i do know how to use photoshop...

.... but hell!!! ... met up with noreen and stace that day and they DRAGGED me into this! /faint..
nonetheless, it was fun. :D well, they had most of the fun laughing while doing the 'artwork'.. arghhh..

ps.. do not comment about the poses.. we were merely following the samples on the screen.. /faint..


Anonymous said...

Muwahahaha! Dammit, act cute ah? LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

damn cute pose jimmy, DAMN CUTE! wahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

RIBBON!!!! aka male version"HELLO KITTY"

Amanda said...

omg seriously!
the pose with your hands on your cheek, head tilted!


Anonymous said...

Oh btw, can you girls scan a hi-res copy of these and send em to me? I wanna do a large print and paste em in TripleD.

Anonymous said...

cannot leh.... its with JIM.... and the neo print sibeh small....

gilaman said...

never do 1-2-3-4 twit sign!

Anonymous said...

WAHAHAHAHA!! Now then I find out what the title means on your msn!

Ribbons, pointy specs and 'sleep sleep' pose??

So Damn Cutsie!!!@!!~@#!#$$@

Stace and Norya winz!